Vintage MX | Numbat | Forts | Holland Track | Calendar
We jagged the weather yet again - how lucky have we been! There were
between 30 and 40 bikes at the Amity carpark with visitors
and new members in attendance. We thought we’d test out the “Stop at
every corner or T-junction till
the following rider sees you and then go” idea for a short though
complex Club run.
Ray Mac was leader and I was Tail End Charlie (funny name that). Off
went, I think Ray ended up in the middle somewhere and I had a couple
of bikes following me. But riders were stopping at the corners and
nobody got lost, and being
as that was the general idea we would have to rate the system as a
Unfortunately for Barry his RD350 Yamaha decided to retire for the
just before our coffee stop at Bakers Junction, so we pushed it onto
the trailer for Matt to take to Barry’s place later. The engine turned
over easily with no funny noises, so hopefully for Barry its easy to
It was a nice ride with some commenting how nice Wilyung Road is. We
rode in the opposite direction to the way we normally run and its
amazing how you get such a different perspective to the views. Chris
had arranged with the people at the Forts for us to be admitted
as a group, this would cost $25 (paid for by the Club) and then our
riders and pillions could enter without paying. (Normally it's $4 each).
When we arrived we were given 5 star treatment
ushered to a
grassy parking spot right next to the BBQ. What a great venue. There
was even a playground for the younger ones
amongst us - we had 4 youngsters arrive in sidecars, and I must say how
well behaved they all were so I reckon they were enjoying themselves.
After lunch we dispersed with some going for a longer ride to
Walpole. Thanks to Chris for organising the ride, Matt for going
back-up and Ray
for leading the way (sort of, ha ha)