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NumDuc Rally

Ther was a very small turn-out for the trip to Dowerin for the NumDuc Rally. At the Amity carpark was myself and no-one else. Where has everyone gone? Bondy rang up sick and Phil had family commitments. Checking no-one was hiding around the corner I rode off to Mt Barker where Fabrice would join us.

We headed off to Cranbrook for a coffee before riding though Wagin, Narrogin to York where Huw was waiting for us - having ridden from Mandurah. The ride had been a bit on the cold side since we left Mt Barker, and it wasn’t getting much warmer, but on the bright side the sun was shining and the road has a some nice bends.

Sidecar advertisingWe took some of the back roads to Dowerin from York and were treated to more sweeping bends on deserted, well maintained roads. After stocking up on beer at the local pub we headed for the rally - only about 8kms away. We were welcomed at the gate by Ducati Club members, Nobby being one of them - I haven’t seen him for a couple of years, so it was good to catch up with him.

Now where was Doug, he should be around here somewhere? There was a good turn-out of bikes and riders, (no cars were allowed at the rally). We rode around for a while looking, I found him camped with Spencer & Joyce Sheffield and Ron Henzen and mate. But by this time Huw and Fabrice had found Lefty, Kenny and a couple of others up against the fence overlooking the site. They were in the process of putting their tents up when I rode over, looked like a good spot and my tent went up too.

Time to crack a tinnie - ahh this is the life, it was still a bit on the cold side but by now our fire was generating some heat. Warm up my apricot chicken and rice that Chris had made for me for dinner - luverly. Then Nick arrived from Bridgetown, haven’t seen him for years - it was good to catch up.

During the evening we had a look at what’s going on down in the pit, there was a roaring fire with several hundred people watching the antics of the maniacs riding sidecars etc. One bloke on a trail bike made the mistake of riding straight into the fire, half a dozen spectators ran over and pulled him and his bike out, he had no chance on his own but he was OK and managed to ride off.

Lefty had been doing the wandering minstrel bit, singing and playing (generally Bob Dylan) on his home-made aluminium guitar with accompanying mouthorgan. We thought we’d go and look for him, after we wandered through many a campsite looking, Fabrice and I headed back to our fire. By this time it was 12.30 am, time to retire, where Lefty was we did not know.

During the night there was some funny noises coming from Fabrice’s tent direction, sounded a bit like someone chucking, must have been that nasty virus going around. Next morning I was as bright as a button - What’s going on - I must be getting old. Huw on the other hand, didn’t look too flash, mind you he wasn’t alone, the deadly virus had hit Doug’s camp as well, Spencer, Joyce, Ron were well but Doug was badly hit by this shocking affliction.

After breakfast (for some) and a bit of a laze around the fire it was off to watch the gymkhana and then lunch - incidentally the weather was great unlike Albany where it was very wet and windy apparently.
The Dowerin Primary School had a big kitchen set up with lots of nourishing food as well as ice, film, Mars bars etc, and were doing a good trade (they were also enjoying the rally as much as the bikers).

Fabrice won the award for the longest distance rider and was presented with a very well made trophy.
The afternoon was spent lazing around, watching the action, a bit of a tune on the guitar, and a chat to anyone passing.

Later there was a lot of nudity riding around, first a woman riding naked on her bike went past us and then all around the rally, you could hear where she was by the roar from the blokes present.
Then a bloke got his gear off and rode around on a monkey bike - a bit odd I thought - it was also very cold so there wasn’t much for the girls to see.

Then even odder there were two naked blokes on one bike riding around, very good friends I’d say, I didn’t look too hard in case the rider was feeling a little discomfort.
In between all this a rather well endowed lady with a huge pair of lungs was pillioning, backwards giving us a bit of an eyeful as she went past, yes she was big.

Just in case it was our imagination, she was displaying her wares in a sidecar later - I dunno Bondy pity you were sick, she was looking for a ride (sidecar) Back down to the pit again watching the crazies.

There was a front end loader pushing wood etc towards the central fire, when he stopped a young lady got her gear off and hopped on the bucket! He then raised his bucket (I hope that was all) and she was taken for an elevated ride around the fire. She was well lit up by the flare she was carrying.

All very entertaining - except for one of our number who was still feeling crook and went to bed at 5.30 pm! I think we had a bite to eat at the kitchen before wandering around a little and heading off to our tents about 9.30 pm - Early for me, but being responsible with a big ride tomorrow . . . 

There was a bit of rain during the night but by the time we were up it had stopped. A bloke from the police or traffic came over and asked if anyone wanted to blow in the bag before riding off in case they were over the limit - great idea. After saying our goodbyes Huw, Fabrice and I set off for Pingelly, the back way, great ride with roads which we hadn’t ridden before.

It was a great weekend and a very well run rally - good on the Ducati Club - now don’t you wish you came?

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