Albany Charity | Katanning Charity | Party o.t.Year | October Trip | Calendar | Renewal Form
There were nearly 20 bikes from Albany and Denmark at the Amity Tavern looking forward to the trip to Katanning for the Charity Ride. First stop was Cranbrook About six waving HOG Club members rode past on their way to the Charity Ride while we were having a coffee and a chat.
Arriving at the assembly point in Katanning we parked the bikes (with difficulty as the pea gravel was very slippery). Father Christmas (Gary Richardson) greeted us, pleased with the good turnout from our neck of the woods. We then watched various vehicles entering the carpark, apart from the bikes there was a VW Beetle with huge speakers pumping out Christmas carols, a couple of old cars and a double decker bus full of kids.
Father Christmas (who was riding Kevin Wallace's trike) had lent his Triumph, one of the later ones, in excellent condition to a guy in Katanning and yep he slipped on the gravel and dropped the bike, unfortunately breaking an indicator and scratching the fairing on one side. Poor old Father Christmas, I could just see what his Christmas wish was.
Escorted by police car and bike we rode around Katanning until donating our presents to the Salvos in the centre of town. After a couple of speeches it was off to another venue for a sausage sizzle and coke, as by this time it was quite hot. A little later we hopped back on the bikes for the return trip via the Stirlings to Albany.
Great ride, nice roads and the kids of Katanning are a little better off. There were 57 bikes in the Charity Ride, the most ever. Thanks to Frank Cooke for going back-up.