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Bonds' Trip to Tasmania

WE set off early to catch the Spirit of Tasmania. The sun was shining right into our eyes and we missed the ferry exit off the Gateway Bridge. Panic stations! We kept bearing right because we could see the ferry and made it in time.

Bonds' "road train" at the 90 mile straight on the nully.The outfit attracted a lot of attention. People were amazed at the sight of a motorbike pulling a sidecar and a large trailer. The trip was great. The sea was calm and the meals were really good. In the bar we met several other biker couples, one of whom John had met before on his way to Philip Island last year. He was from Queensland and they'd met at Norseman. Needless to say we bumped into them several times in the next few days and camped right next to them at Strahan a week later.

Monday we went to Stanley and The Nut and we got our first wetting on the way back. Tuesday the sun shone again and we went to meet up with the Tassie Tour 2002. There were 177 vintage bikes and one "road train" (John and I). There were bikes from N.Z., U.K. and everywhere else in Australia.

They set off and we began to sample the Tassie hills and hairy bends, but spectacular scenery always. Queenstown was a depressing place - like a lot of old mining towns anywhere I suspect, but a ride on the ABT Railway was a joy, hopefully that will help restore the place soon. Bronte Park in the Central Highlands had no lawnmowers, only horses mowing the grass, but it worked OK.

It was cold on the bike from there to Hobart. Cadbury's factory was great - plenty of freebies! Enjoyed the museum in Hobart. Port Arthur's historic site was worth seeing for sure. Launceston - some lovely old buildings. Campbell Town everyone wanted to tell you of their history. Elephant Pass I couldn't look, so sheer the drop. St Helen's on Palm Sunday, a beautiful morning with Christians marching, waving palm fronds and singing hymns which I enjoyed very much.

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