Kamballup Ride
We managed to score another great winter's
day for the ride. Our usual diverse mob met at the Amity
Tavern with new members Ian Grant on his 70's Suzuki and
David Sobik on his FJ Yamaha. Max was riding in comfort
on his recently acquired early BMW R100RT, making a
change from the old Harley or Triumph. Off we went around
the foreshore, Middleton Beach, Lower King Road and
Hunton Road to Upper Kalgan Tea Rooms, where we stopped
for a coffee and chat.
We soon learnt that Mike on his Yamaha
twin had been stopped by the police over a minor
indiscretion, (leaving the truck bay at Hanrahan Road too
quickly), but was only cautioned. Because of this he was
coming last and concentrating on the road and a car in
front of him. He zoomed past the 15 bikes parked at the
tea rooms heading straight for Kamballup.
When he arrived there he was wondering
where everyone was! Mike's not having much luck on our
rides, last time he came he had a puncture! Chris and I
then took off on our older bikes, riding through
Manypeaks, before turning towards South Stirlings and
Unfortunately we missed a bit of drama at
the tea rooms when John Mac (I won't mention his full
name - but an excellent rider) dropped his bike on the
wet grass in full view of the assembled gathering.
According to one witness I spoke to, "He gave the
bike too many herbs, and as the bike started to get away
from him he went after it with one leg, but it finally
gave way and he hit the deck." It sounded so
dramatic it could have made the Advertiser! (thankfully
not - web editor)
Morris apparently nearly dropped his too,
but I couldn't get an accurate report on his incident!
The roads to Kamballup are pretty straight but the
scenery is great. When we arrived at the Hall the urn was
on and milk, cups etc were supplied. There was a fire for
our use but being as it was such a nice day it remained
unlit. Actually the weather was so good that we grabbed
the chairs from the hall and sat outside. You could bet
that if we hadn't hired the place it would have poured
with rain. Everyone seemed to enjoy the lunch and the
company before heading home.
Thanks to Ron for going back-up.
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