Peaceful Bay Weekend
We couldn't get away
at the scheduled time for the camping weekend in early
March, but about 3 pm on the Saturday afternoon, Chris,
Katrina and me hopped on our three BMW's and headed for
Peaceful Bay. We had the usual brilliant camping site
which is large, very sheltered, with a big fireplace in
the middle.
After pitching the tent it was time to
have a drink or three. There was a mix of our Club and
BMW Club members. There were a few cars loaded up with
families and kids. It's great to see members of both
clubs bring their kids along even if it did mean leaving
the bike at home.
An interesting German couple travelling
the world camped with us, riding BMW off-road bikes most
of the way from Europe, having to freight the bikes by
air only twice. As usual we had a good laugh sitting
around the fire. Dave Ward who had hit a horse when we
camped at Walpole, brought his Draggin Jeans with him to
show us how well they performed when he was sliding down
the road.
Marilyn Webb and Marilyn Smith went to
Denmark to see John Williamson play on Saturday night,
when they came back, they gave us a couple of brief
renditions of his songs, with Marilyn Webb showing how
the singers were gyrating on stage, she did it well too!
We retired to the tent at 1 am, time sure
flies when you're enjoying yourself. Unfortunately we had
to leave after breakfast as I had to work on the Monday,
but we had a great ride home, it was quite hot, must have
been because Chris and I had a swim at Middleton Beach!
Reports we heard was that the remaining
campers had a great time, although they did leave early
on Monday as black clouds were threatening rain, but as
soon as everything was packed the weather fined up for a
pleasant trip back.
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