Classic Rally and Hillclimb 2001
Well another successful motorcycling weekend was had
by all I believe.
Saturday Rally
On Saturday we saw 71 motorcyclists in Stirling Terrace standing in
the rain to take part in the rally.
There were motorcycles both old and new. We opened the event to anyone
with a motorcycle for a small entrance fee. This was well received and
brought out some other motorcyclists.
We had four travelling motorcyclists join us from
Germany. One of them Michael Heicl was riding a 1994 Honda Africa Twin
fitted with a 43 litre tank, he 'd been travelling around Australia
for a few months and heard of our event in Perth. He works for BMW
Germany who encourage staff to take six months paid leave every 3-4
years, poor lad, it must be hard. The other rider was Frank Breurer
and his crew, they were riding a Hu-BMW Sidecar - three up!
The Saturday night BBQ was well supported once again
and a super job done by Norma and Cliff Merridith.
Sunday - Hill Climb
This year was dominated with more British motorcycles and a mixture of
other makes also. We missed some of our regulars and welcomed some new
faces and machines. It was good to see some junior riders this year
also. One very dedicated junior rider was still restoring his bike on
Friday night. Daniel Cobain was there on Sunday morning and his bike
went all day. He tells me he has more to do and it will look better
next year.
We had six sidecars entered this year including a new
one to the Hill Climb: John Edward's 1957 Harley sidecar. At the end
of the day there were eight people with a perfect score for the run
And our winner for the second year was Lorraine
Macdonald on her 1949 BSA 250. Next year we will be running the
Extravaganza and would welcome any help available. There will be a
committee formed with members from other clubs and businesses. Some
have already expressed interest in helping the organising. It will be
in Stirling Terrace on November 2, 2002.
If you are interested in coming on the committee,
please contact Robin Bromilow on 9844 6275.
Saturday Rally:
Outright Winner: John Edwards; Second: Chris Rees; Tie for Third: Mike
Reeves & Bob Rees.
The first four riders had less than 2 minutes between them. There were
21 riders losing less than 10 points.
Hill Climb:
Outright Winner: Lorraine Macdonald; Best performance by a male:
Tony Hynes; Best performance by a female, other than the winner:
Sheryl Johnson; Best performance by a sidecar: Bill & Gary McDermott;
Pre 31: Neil Bromilow; Safety Award (Saul Fraser Memorial Trophy):
Bronwyn Thomas; Public Choice: Zac Caramia - 1974 Kawasaki Z1; Team
losing the least amount of points: Four Short Arses (and they were
too!); Team losing the Most Points: The Most Wanted Men; Encouragement
Award: Shane Morrell; Best 1931-1950: Ken Stone; Best 1960: Ray
Story by Robin Bromilow
Click on pictures (by John McKinnon)
to see them full size