The October Trip
| Day2
| Day3
| Day4
| Day5
| Day6
| Day7
| Day8

DAY 1:
On a rather cold and windy Saturday - 1 bike (Chris Rees)
and 3 sidecar outfits (Bob Rees - with esky as passenger,
John and Jan Bond and us - Clive and Marilyn Smith) set
off from Albany for Jarrahdale. First stop was Kojonup
where the sun was shining and we were able to thaw out
and have a hot drink etc. Then onto Arthur River where we
met up with Ian Jury who had come across from his new
abode in Australind.
Lunch was the next stop at Bannister - but alas with Bob
in the lead and Chris behind - drama - Chris pulls out to
overtake Bob then signals stop. In unison everyone pulls
over. Chris has been observing Bob from behind and feels
that the load in the sidecar may have shifted as it looks
a lot like it is moving closer to Bob - or Bob is feeling
tired and moving closer to the load. In any case
something is not quite right and with a woman's intuition
a discussion takes place - but the outcome is - keep
going! We arrive at Jarrahdale turnoff and meet up with
Bob and Chris's lovely daughter - Katrina - who had come
from Perth on her bike to join us for a couple of days.
At least now we look a bit more cool with a youngster in
What a quaint little place Jarrahdale is - so now
its off to find the camping ground. Bob finds out
directions from a local and takes the lead - tally ho
deeper and deeper into the forest we go - narrower and
narrower the road gets - until stop!
Apparently we had taken a wrong turn! But alas - how in
the hell will we get out of here - it would be near
impossible to turn the outfit.
I'm getting out - steep fall on one side and heavily
wooded hill on the other. Bob decides to reccy the area -
and comes back with Spencer Sheffield who he found
further up in the woods. Problem solved - we now have an
alternative way in - horrendous as the track looks - if
the bike gets out of control going down - at least there
is water at the bottom to land in! - The decision is made
to forge ahead. Yes we had missed the turnoff into the
park and were now on the other side. After some careful
manoeuvring all bikes made the steep descent down to the
park edge to arrive at one of the most scenic camping
areas I have seen. Camp was set up - us in probably
record time after Clive bought our camper "The
Ritz" and read the instructions that it can be
erected in 10 seconds - he has tried like a good male to
lower that time! But every man to his own - before anyone
else had alighted from their bikes - here was us sitting
having a cup of tea - mission accomplished.
Late afternoon - Katrina and Bob go into town to meet Huw
Jones and show him the way in - didn't want a repeat of
the earlier performance. But alas! Bob arrives back at
camp minus Katrina and Huw - sorry girls - it was the
female of the species who stuffed up this time - and Huw
too tried out his riding skills on the slalom course.
A fantastic night was held around the campfire that night
- Clive was in full form with his joke telling and much
food and drink was consumed. Huw's partner, Bronwyn voted
it one of the better nights she had experienced.
DAY 2 - Sunday
Bike trials was going to be the order of the day - but I
don't think Clive (his head) would have been able to cope
with these. After he had drunk his whole weeks rations on
the first night - we decided to go straight to York - so
that he could recover in the afternoon - and I had to
agree - when usually I would make him suffer
because I wanted to see a bit of York. Bond's and
Sheffield's did their own thing and made their way to
York also. Bob, Chris, Ian, Katrina, Huw and his
girlfriend Bronwyn stayed to watch the Trials - where
some running repairs were done to Bob's sidecar courtesy
of a mobile welding unit. We all arrived in York safely
Sheffield's were sent on their way by the local caravan,
owner for having a dog with them- so Bond's decided to
accompany them and meet up with the main pack later. Lurl
and Phil Penny now joined us. Another very enjoyable
night was held around the campfire - although I think
Lurl and Phil felt a little unwell after Clive told them
that the pot he lent them to cook their tea in was our
"versatile" one - also being used as a night
A fair bit of ground to cover today- so its an
early start - but poor Ian isn't feeling too well he has
a cold! After a very scenic drive the pack rides into
Toodyay. We find a nice little coffee shop and sit and
wait for the latecomers to join us. A hombre rides down
the main street - oh its Andrew who now joins the
pack - and then another 2 arrive - Des and Wes.
Ian has to get something for his cold - so instead of
joining us all for coffee and cake - saunters across the
road - no, not to the chemist but to the supermarket for
a jar of crushed garlic. He then sits down on a seat in
the main street and extracts the garlic from the jar with
his tongue. This should stop the cold from getting any
worse at least none of us should get it as nobody will go
near him for a few days. Off again - this time through
beautiful farming country to New Norcia where we stop for
It must have been the religious bit - because the three
women (Chris, Lurl and me) fed the hungry herds with
beautiful bread from the renowned Bakery, cheese, tomato,
salami etc. then some fruit loaf washed down with tea and
All refreshed, its off through the farms again to
Mukinbudin. Wave nicely to the cop car - don't want them
to think we are bikies. Afternoon tea stop - and Ian has
a problem with his cold. Apparently he had tissues
stuffed up his nose to stop drips in his helmet as he
rode along. But a problem arose when he sneezed and the
tissues flew out along with a few hours build up of cold
and flu residue, resulting in him being unable to see out
of his helmet. Another problem his blue hanky is
saturated - so decides to tie it to bike so it will be
dry at the next stop.
But after a while its STOP Bob again has the esky problem
with the sidecar. The problem looks worse this time - is
he attempting to make the set up narrower so he can get
another bike in his garage at home - or is it something
more sinister? Something more sinister it is - Bob is
riding at a 45 degree angle and a welder is going
to be needed very soon. Des has contacts in this area and
just out of Mukinbudin the boys divert to a farm for
repairs. The rest of the pack head for Mukinbudin either
to camp or stay at the local pub. Here we meet up with
the Bonds and Sheffield's again. Then its off to
the pub for a bit of Mucka Tucka.
Another beaut day - off through the back way to Southern
Cross and then Kalgoorlie. First stop - Bullfinch Pub for
coffee - where we were entertained by the publican -
quite a fantastic character who could supply all our
needs - coffee - yes, pies yes, scones - yes, she even
offered us a flash if we wanted it! Yes she had to be a
goldfields girl! Clive and myself being Kal people
reminisced with her on heaps of things including that I
was a midget marching girl {aged about 10) the last time
I visited Bullfinch - and here I was back again {at 50
something) - still a midget but now a bikies mole
{actually Marilyn you mean a moll ha ha - Bob) in a
Wes realised a lifelong ambition and carved his name into
the bar {along with millions of others).
Des frowned to think his son-in-law would do something
like that. Off to have a look at a pumping station where
Phil once worked then onto Yellowdine for lunch. Police
car passes - then turns back - better check this lot out!
Smile then drive off!
Andrew has now nicknamed Ian Pavrotti - because he always
has this hanky waving around etc.
The women take a vote not to ask Ian how he is feeling
because after the snot and hanky story earlier we
decide its better not knowing. We arrive in
Kalgoorlie late afternoon the local police sent out a
surveillance car to check on us before letting us into
the town.
First hiccup - the women's toilets have a code to enter -
the men's don't! Apparently men have a problem
remembering them - so best they don't bother them with
such things.
Tea is cooked at the camp kitchen Lurl looks like she
needs a drink - so we put a bit of whisky in her coke
that kept her quiet for the rest of the night - but also
made her incapable of helping with the cooking and
cleaning. The "War on Terrorism" has started!
Turn the TV's off we don't want news.
A bit of washing and drying for everyone. Oh no - the
blue hanky is in with our clothes being dried. Off to see
the sights of Kal - then lunch. Back to the camp for
afternoon of R&R, before a good walk to the Star
& Garter for tea. Some of the boys wanted to divert
over to Hay Street but said they weren't game because we
(wives and tell tale tits) are here with them.
Leaving Kal for Esperance - by now the men without their
wives are starting to feel the pressure. The women have
now finally remembered the code to the toilets and we are
all ready to leave Andrew hasn't packed up yet!
Blames wife. But she isn't even here - that's why she is
blamed - for not being here - she is the one that gets
things moving usually.
Right- off we go - but no another male has a problem
something is leaking from his motor- so after having a
few days to sort this out - decides now that we are
leaving would be a better time to do so. All males linger
about - looking, poking, offering advice etc. Females
group and discuss males. OK - all is well - it was a
loose screw - (or was it a screw loose!).
Widgiemooltha for morning tea - then off to Norseman for
lunch - cop car cruises by - so I decide to let them know
that we are the "Geriatric Jokers" that should
get rid of them, but no, must have thought it was just a
ploy on my behalf - just outside Norseman there we are
again under surveillance again! Nearly out of Norseman
STOP - all pull up at old wreckers - oh no! not another
bloke with old bikes in his shed - will we make Esperance
Everyone files into shed - full of old things and I must
admit some nice old bikes - must be good - all males are
drooling that's worth $30,000- that's worth $20,000 etc.
Finally women leave shed - men still looking - it amazes
me how they can just stand there and look and then look
again and again! How long are they going to just stand
there and look - Wes has had enough and joins the females
outside. Time to tell them to come Wes won't - so me, the
biggest goes in and speaks - they all file out and onto
their bikes for the next leg of the trip to Esperance.
Another very enjoyable night around the gas lamp. Fish
and chips for all, plenty of liquid refreshment and
stories to tell. Clive opens his 6th bottle of rations.
Oh no - there's the Pom again whos travelling
around Australia and knows everything there is to know
about motorbikes. Clive invites him to visit Queensland
while in Australia - and to go to the lion park - where
poms on push-bikes are admitted free! Ian's cold has
abated and is now welcomed back into the pack as long as
he doesn't discuss any more remedies he has for colds
We have awoke to rain today - first time. Yes we are
leaving - pouring rain - let's do the scenic drive -
bloody hell! Des and Wes decide to leave and go straight
through - Wes is missing Barbara too much, and Des has
something on in Albany he wants to get back to. I will
have to rug up today - every bit of clothing I have plus
all this wet weather gear. Now how to manoeuvre myself
into the sidecar with all this on - okay stand on seat
and let myself fall in. Plonk - all in and ready, but
can't turn my head.
That's right send Chris out to be the leader today
probably to blame her for taking a
longer route in these miserable conditions.
Quite a bit of buffeting - I feel if I could see my face
now it would be like the people in the Nissan ad - you
know the one that the car has so much power it distorts
their faces.
Weather gradually clears, but still very cold and windy -
say bye to Lurl and Phil at Ravensthorpe then turn off to
Hopetoun. Lunch at the pub, then off to the caravan park
to set up camp, light a huge campfire and prepare for our
final night around the fire. A sausage sizzle is the
order of the night.
Last pack up to head for home - Ian says farewell as he
his staying with friends in Ravensthorpe. It's a
beautiful day so take the scenic route through the
Stirlings where we stop for lunch and reminiscing on such
a fantastic week: Probably one of the very better
holidays I have experienced - so many laughs, great
rides, great company. Clive is telling friends that I am
now "warming" to the idea of heading east next
year across the Nullabor in the outfit for another
extended holiday. We'll see.
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